Private Hire

Kids Parties!

You can hire one of the screens for your child’s birthday party!

£195 for a Saturday or Sunday morning.
(Bank Holiday Mondays and School Holiday Weekdays available too!)

Free popcorn and a juice box. Films must be available on DVD to keep everything at a sensible price.

Please note: You are welcome to bring a birthday cake, but no external food will be allowed.

Screen 1

This is the smaller screen, just! Traditional looking screen with raked seating, everyone on the same level. Ideal for private screenings, small presentations, product launches, ceremonies and teaching

Facilities: DCP or HDMI 2k digital projection and 7:1 surround sound, 81 capacity.

Screen 2

This is our largest screen that seats up to 90 people. Ideal for private screenings, presentations, seated conferences, ceremonies, album launch – we’ve done all these and more!

Facilities: DCP or HDMI 2k digital projection and 7:1 surround sound, 8 input sound desk, PA system, monitor. 90 capacity.

To enquire further, email us at:


Room with a View

There’s a little room above the café that seats 15 people comfortably. If you’re looking to run a book club, small meetup or group, this could be just the right thing! Send us an email and tell us what you’re looking to do.

Test your film!

To the filmmakers out there, we’ve a unique offering – You can test your DCP with us!

More often than not your DCP creator will have something similar, but you may know a bit about what you’re doing and have created it in DaVinci, Premiere or DCP-o-matic, and you lack the full testing capabilities of a facilitation studio… Give us a shot, we’re only down the road after all!


Kid's Party Booking Form

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