
WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF by Albee ; Directed by James MacDonald ; Designed by Tom Pye ; at the Harold Pinter Theatre, London, UK ; 21 February 2017 ; Credit : Johan Persson /

Here are what the critics are saying:


“Staunton is not one of your big, blowsy Marthas built on Elizabeth Taylor lines”, explains Michael Billington (Guardian★★★★★), eyes brimming with fearful tears, “but a pocket fighter who shows from the start that she enjoys humiliating George and also relishes his occasional comebacks.”


Mark Shenton (The Stage, ★★★★★) concurs. “Nobody mines alternating notes of fury and desolation as Imelda Staunton does”, he writes. “Nor strikes such opposing forces of resilience and hopelessness.”


Paul Taylor (Independent★★★★★), quivering in a ball on the floor, goes further. For him, Staunton’s performance is “one of the greatest feats of acting I have witnessed.”